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Shoulder Pain

Pain arising from the shoulder is the third most common musculoskeletal complaint in which people may present to their GP.

The shoulder is composed of bones and joints held together by ligaments, tendons and muscles.  These structures are also closely associated with the breastbone, neck and chest. Due to the complexities of the shoulder, a physiotherapy assessment is strongly recommended to distinguish between structures involved and decide the most appropriate treatment pathway.


  1. Sub acromial impingement
  2. Rotator cuff tear
  3. Labral tear
  4. Adhesive Capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
  5. Shoulder instability
  6. Muscular/ tendon strains (rotator cuff)
  7. Traumatic injury resulting in fracture
  8. Post-operative shoulder care
  9. Ligament Low to high grade sprain
  10. Osteoarthritis / rheumatoid arthritis
  11. Nerve injuries
  12. Referred pain from neck.